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Anyway, the Sony Xperia Z4 is expected to be released in Q2 this year but the stock wallpapers from the device have already popped up XDA member ahamameh96 has managed to grab some wallpapers from the upcoming smartphone He has also prepared some color variants of the original blue wallpaper from the Xperia Z4 xdadevelopers OEM CrossDevice Development Sony CrossDevice Development Themes and Apps Xperia Z4 Original Wallpapers by lee480 XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality Sony released the Z3 in Japan as Z4, in case you were wondering about it Anyway, the file size of the stock Xperia Z4 wallpapers download is around 51 MB, and there are total 9 wallpapers to decorate your phone's homescreen, in size of 2160 x 19 pixels Credit for the wallpapers goes to lee480, thanks!
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